Thursday 13 May 2010

Inika Mineral Eyeshadow Reviews

Review of Inika Mineral Eyeshadow
By Cath J.

Packaging The Inika Mineral Eyeshadow comes in a plastic pot with a plastic lid. The lid has a black edge but the top is clear so that you can see the colour of the eye shadow without removing the lid.

Application This was the first time that I have tried a Inika mineral eyeshadow and initially I found it very messy. When I first opened the pot particles of eye shadow seemed to get everywhere and after my first attempt at opening it I found that if I tapped the pot on the bottom first all the stray eye shadow settled down and it was much easier to use. I found the easiest way to apply it was to put my brush in the pot and then gently tap off the excess and gradually build up the colour that way.

Ingredients Obviously, because of the size of the pot, the ingredients are not listed however the website address is listed and it was very easy to look up the ingredients on the internet as the website was very easy to navigate. The eye shadow is made of earth minerals from Australia and doesn’t contain any toxic chemicals that are used in conventional cosmetics; therefore they are suitable for people with sensitive eyes.

Results Once I had mastered the application I was really pleased with the Inika Mineral Eyeshadow. The eye shadow was a lovely coffee colour and had a lovely sparkle to it that lasted all day. There is a wide range of colours

Pros: Great range of rich vibrant colours
Made of earth minerals so no toxic chemicals
Perfect for sensitive eyes

Cons: If you don’t tap the pot before opening it the particles of eye shadow get everywhere!

Inika Mineral Eyeshadow (£11.50) and other Inika products are available at